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The difference between Mass Recruitment and regular recruitment

The difference between Mass Recruitment and regular recruitment


Mass recruitment refers to the recruitment process with a large number of employees for the same personnel position.

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The 7 most common types of recruitment expenses

The 7 most common types of recruitment expenses


Recruitment costs are challenging all businesses every recruiting season. So what does recruitment cost include? How to optimize those costs?

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Why do businesses need high-level recruitment services?

Why do businesses need high-level recruitment services?


High-level recruitment service is considered the most effective solution for businesses, thereby finding talented and qualified human resources for important vacancies.

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6 tips for businesses in recruitment

6 tips for businesses in recruitment


Recruitment is a challenge for all businesses owing to the pressure in the competitive human resources market.

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Why should businesses choose a recruitment service in Farovietnam?

Why should businesses choose a recruitment service in Farovietnam?


In the middle of the top reputational recruitment service providers today, Farovietnam must be mentioned with the best quality of candidates, reasonable cost and time-saving.

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The recruitment process

The recruitment process


Each business will have its own characteristics, needs and recruitment plan but an effective and professional recruitment plan is still required to follow through a hierarchical process including many steps.

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